Monika - Teacher #3979

- Piano

- Counterpoint
- Ear Training
- Harmony
- Music History
- Music Theory (Advanced)
- Music Theory (Beginner-Intermediate)
- RCM - Advanced Harmony
- RCM - Advanced Rudiments
- RCM - Analysis
- RCM - Basic Harmony
- RCM - Basic Rudiments
- RCM - Counterpoint
- RCM - History
- RCM - Intermediate Harmony
- RCM - Intermediate Rudiments

- English
- German

Teaching Philosophy

Music has always been at my core, whether through playing or listening. I believe that my musical education has been an integral part of my journey to becoming who I am today, and it continues to guide, fuel, and colour my life. My desire and goal is to share this amazing tool with others, and I view it as a great privilege to be a part of someone's musical journey.
My teaching philosophy is grounded in creative expression and the belief that music is inside all of us. My approach is holistic, integrating personality and emotion into music making. As such, my approach to teaching is flexible and personalized; my goal is to hone each individual's strengths. Ultimately, finding joy in learning and creating music is the best fuel for personal motivation to improve one's skills, both technically and musically.
I strive to adapt my teaching approach to each student's personality and learning style, and I am open to wishes from students or parents regarding specific learning goals or curriculums.

Musical Education

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree double majoring in music and psychology at the University of Alberta. I am currently enrolled in the Performer's Certificate for piano at the King's University, studying under Dr. Joachim Segger.
I have my ARCT performer's certificate and all advanced music theory certificates from the Royal Conservatory of Music.

Awards and Distinctions

Awards include several first prize awards at regional festivals, including scholarships and provincial awards with my piano duo partner; and most recently, the Gerry Segger Scholarship in Music Performance.

Special Skills and Training

I have studied classical piano since the age of 4. My advanced private studies were directed under Raymond Yundt, an incredible pedagogue who challenged me creatively and technically and continues to inspire me in my teaching. My training included performance exposure through various competitions, festivals, and masterclasses, which provided me opportunities to learn from many talented, acclaimed musicians such as Dr. Michel Fournier. I also have experience accompanying various community choirs for more than three years. Another unique aspect of my musical experience is extensive collaborative/chamber music, including piano ensembles for 6 hands, and 8 hands for 2 pianos. I am passionate about incorporating collaboration in my music studio, whether it is between students or siblings or between a student and myself. I believe that collaborative music making is a special skill with many unique benefits that round out a an individual's musicianship. Other musical skills includes voice lessons, participation in chamber choirs, violin lessons, as well as participation in a church orchestra playing the piano, violin, and guitar.


30 Minutes: $39.00
45 Minutes: $49.00
60 Minutes: $59.00

There is a one-time registration fee of 25 $ charged with the first lessons. All Taxes are included in prices, if applicable

NOTE: Your Credit card will be charged ONLY when the first lesson is set up and confirmed with the teacher


1. Cancellation Policy

Lessons not cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice are billable to the client and payable to the teacher. This does not of course apply to travel fees unless the notice is effectively given at the door and the teacher has travelled to the location.

2. Cessation (quitting) Policy

A client must provide a 2 lesson notice period to stop lessons. So a weekly student needs to give 2 weeks of notice, a biweekly student works out to 3 weeks notice and a twice weekly student works out to a week of notice.

3. Illness Policy

Lessons cancelled due to illness or extraordinary circumstances with less than 24 hours notice remain billable to the client and payable to the teacher.

BAH teachers are encouraged to offer a make-up lesson at a future date in the interest of client relations and general goodwill. This only makes sense as teaching a student with the flu for example, will ruin the rest of your week's employment.

No more than 2 lessons may be made up due to illness within a 60 day period.

4. Rescheduling Policy

Any lesson can be cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice.

Summer Vacation and Extended Absence Policy

Clients may schedule longer absences for trips etc. 24 hours notice is required.

It is normal and typical for students and about 20% of our teachers to schedule a break in the summer. We do not enforce a notice period (see cessation of lessons) at the end of a long summer break.

5. Evaluation Period

There are no free trial lessons with Beethoven at Home but we do offer a 2 lesson evaluation period where it is easy to try out a teacher. There are no free lessons during the evaluation period and clients may choose to discontinue the lessons at any time by providing the required 24 hours notice. After the student's 3rd lesson the required 2 lesson notice period will apply (see cessation of lessons above).