Melissa - Teacher #4143

- Piano

- Alexander Technique
- Ear Training
- Music Appreciation
- Music History
- Music Theory (Beginner-Intermediate)
- Solfege
- Suzuki

- English
- French

Teaching Philosophy

Although my education has been mostly classical, I aim to tailor my
lessons to the goals of individual students while maintaining a
balanced combination of technique, theory, and musicianship. I do my
utmost to foster creativity, musicality, and confidence in my
students, and most of all I find it fun and meaningful work! I’m
comfortable teaching all ages from 5 years to older adults.
I incorporate the music that the student is drawn to and excited by, but I also like to challenge them into areas in which they are less comfortable, where they have room to grow and appreciate. Teaching is an art in itself, and my background in psychology allows me to focus on the individual’s learning style and goals in order to achieve a universally positive experience.

Musical Education

I’ve been teaching piano professionally for three years, have
completed my Grade 10 Royal Conservatory of Music practical
examination with honours, hold a Bachelor of Arts in psychology, and
have completed one year of a Bachelor of Music.
After starting my musical education with the violin at age 5, I quickly gravitated more towards the piano and studied up to the age of 18. I participated in music festivals and RCM examinations, both practical and theory. I also took part in community and school musicals and performances as a pianist and accompanist and occasionally with the tenor saxophone.
My own piano education was based largely on the RCM curriculum. After completing a BA in Psychology from Concordia University in Montreal in 2015, I later revisited my love for music by starting a music degree at the University of Saskatchewan.


30 Minutes: $39.00
45 Minutes: $49.00
60 Minutes: $59.00

There is a one-time registration fee of 25 $ charged with the first lessons. All Taxes are included in prices, if applicable

NOTE: Your Credit card will be charged ONLY when the first lesson is set up and confirmed with the teacher


1. Cancellation Policy

Lessons not cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice are billable to the client and payable to the teacher. This does not of course apply to travel fees unless the notice is effectively given at the door and the teacher has travelled to the location.

2. Cessation (quitting) Policy

A client must provide a 2 lesson notice period to stop lessons. So a weekly student needs to give 2 weeks of notice, a biweekly student works out to 3 weeks notice and a twice weekly student works out to a week of notice.

3. Illness Policy

Lessons cancelled due to illness or extraordinary circumstances with less than 24 hours notice remain billable to the client and payable to the teacher.

BAH teachers are encouraged to offer a make-up lesson at a future date in the interest of client relations and general goodwill. This only makes sense as teaching a student with the flu for example, will ruin the rest of your week's employment.

No more than 2 lessons may be made up due to illness within a 60 day period.

4. Rescheduling Policy

Any lesson can be cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice.

Summer Vacation and Extended Absence Policy

Clients may schedule longer absences for trips etc. 24 hours notice is required.

It is normal and typical for students and about 20% of our teachers to schedule a break in the summer. We do not enforce a notice period (see cessation of lessons) at the end of a long summer break.

5. Evaluation Period

There are no free trial lessons with Beethoven at Home but we do offer a 2 lesson evaluation period where it is easy to try out a teacher. There are no free lessons during the evaluation period and clients may choose to discontinue the lessons at any time by providing the required 24 hours notice. After the student's 3rd lesson the required 2 lesson notice period will apply (see cessation of lessons above).