Fiona - Teacher #4256

- Clarinet
- Violin

- Dictation
- Ear Training
- Music Theory (Advanced)
- Music Theory (Beginner-Intermediate)
- RCM - Advanced Rudiments
- RCM - Basic Rudiments
- RCM - Intermediate Rudiments
- Suzuki

- English

Teaching Philosophy

It's never too late to start an instrument! Many adult beginners have come to me with no prior experience, and it's such a gift to watch them grow into budding musicians! Over the many years I have been teaching, the most important skill I have learned as a teacher, is to adjust the lesson style according to the student's needs. If they don't like a certain piece, I will not force it. We say 'play' music, for a reason. Without the playing, it becomes 'work'. Obviously practise is required to get optimal results, but even if you just want to use your lessons as practise time to keep you motivated to play, that's all that matters! You can play to your four walls, or perform in public, totally up to you.
Technique is essential as it can avoid pain and injury, as well as enhance your playing in every way. The first few lessons are really about getting the correct posture in order to progress efficiently and avoid bad habits, that become hard to undo.

Musical Education

I started violin/fiddle as a child when living in Scotland, then came to Canada and took Suzuki violin throughout high school. I started clarinet in school and went on to get an honours degree in classical music from Wilfrid Laurier University, in Waterloo. I have a certificate to teach the Mark O'Connor fiddle method, which is like Suzuki method, for fiddlers!

Special Skills and Training

I founded the Guelph Celtic Orchestra 15 years ago, as well, I have been their Musical Director since the beginning. We have a group of 25 fiddlers and other celtic musicians, that perform a few shows a year. I played clarinet in the Guelph Symphony Orchestra for 15 years as well. My experience of both classical training on clarinet, and being able to 'jam' with fiddlers makes me versatile in that I can teach you to play either style. With or without music reading skills.


30 Minutes: $39.00
45 Minutes: $49.00
60 Minutes: $59.00

There is a one-time registration fee of 25 $ charged with the first lessons. All Taxes are included in prices, if applicable

NOTE: Your Credit card will be charged ONLY when the first lesson is set up and confirmed with the teacher


1. Cancellation Policy

Lessons not cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice are billable to the client and payable to the teacher. This does not of course apply to travel fees unless the notice is effectively given at the door and the teacher has travelled to the location.

2. Cessation (quitting) Policy

A client must provide a 2 lesson notice period to stop lessons. So a weekly student needs to give 2 weeks of notice, a biweekly student works out to 3 weeks notice and a twice weekly student works out to a week of notice.

3. Illness Policy

Lessons cancelled due to illness or extraordinary circumstances with less than 24 hours notice remain billable to the client and payable to the teacher.

BAH teachers are encouraged to offer a make-up lesson at a future date in the interest of client relations and general goodwill. This only makes sense as teaching a student with the flu for example, will ruin the rest of your week's employment.

No more than 2 lessons may be made up due to illness within a 60 day period.

4. Rescheduling Policy

Any lesson can be cancelled or rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice.

Summer Vacation and Extended Absence Policy

Clients may schedule longer absences for trips etc. 24 hours notice is required.

It is normal and typical for students and about 20% of our teachers to schedule a break in the summer. We do not enforce a notice period (see cessation of lessons) at the end of a long summer break.

5. Evaluation Period

There are no free trial lessons with Beethoven at Home but we do offer a 2 lesson evaluation period where it is easy to try out a teacher. There are no free lessons during the evaluation period and clients may choose to discontinue the lessons at any time by providing the required 24 hours notice. After the student's 3rd lesson the required 2 lesson notice period will apply (see cessation of lessons above).